"The Road to Gapuna" (completed at Santa Ana, SI) 27" x 18.5" acrylic on non-stretched canvas PAINTING RETIRED (click here for details) |
"Mefloquine" 11" x 14" oil on canvas board *SOLD |
"Left Behind, With One Hand (Tied behind my back)", oil on canvas board approx 12" x 14" *SOLD |
"Last Offering (before Jan2nd Miracle at Versale)" oil on paper, *SOLD |
"Sister Victoria" oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" *SOLD |
"Red Ants" oil on canvas, 20"x16" *SOLD | |
"The First Handout(in dress)" oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" PAINTING RETIRED (click here for details) |
"Janet" oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" PAINTING RETIRED (click here for details) |
"Christmas 1998 (self portrait)" oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" PAINTING RETIRED (click here for details) |
"Divit (1)" oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" PAINTING RETIRED (click here for details) |
"The Blessing of the Little Arm", oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" *SOLD |
"Sister Carrying Flowers" , oil on paper, approx 12" x 14" PAINTING RETIRED (click here for details) |