"Radical Fluidity: Grotesque in Art" at the MISP Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia: 

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Matt Sesow and Dana Ellyn were the sole representatives from the United States in this group exhibition of over 100 artists from around the world.  Matt’s four paintings and Ellyn’s painting “Baby Back Ribs" were embraced by visitors to the museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia as unique interpretations of the theme of ‘grotesque’ in art.

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The Museum of St. Petersburg Art (20th–21st centuries) is a depository of a unique collection representing productions of the artists of Russia’s Cultural Capital. The museum was established formally in January 2016 as a branch of the Manège Central Exhibition Hall, but de facto its origin is simultaneous with that of its collection. It began to be formed in 1990, at the decision of the Session of the Main Department for Culture of the Executive Committee of Leningrad Council of Deputies, with the prospect to become, later on, the core of the Museum of Modern Art to be created in the city. In view of this, the Department of Modern Art was organized at the Manège; its responsibilities included acquiring, cataloguing and exhibiting works of art.


Click on the painting images below to enlarge the view (some are available for purchase):


The Museum of St. Petersburg Art (20th–21st centuries) is a depository of a unique collection representing productions of the artists of Russia’s Cultural Capital. The museum was established formally in January 2016 as a branch of the Manège Central Exhibition Hall, but de facto its origin is simultaneous with that of its collection. It began to be formed in 1990, at the decision of the Session of the Main Department for Culture of the Executive Committee of Leningrad Council of Deputies, with the prospect to become, later on, the core of the Museum of Modern Art to be created in the city. In view of this, the Department of Modern Art was organized at the Manège; its responsibilities included acquiring, cataloguing and exhibiting works of art.

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103 Griboyedov Canal Emb., St. Petersburg

Promotional graphic for the exhibition:

© Matt Sesow 2019